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Aidan Triple Sleeper with slide

PRICE: R18000
Aidan Triple Sleeper with slide
Aidan Triple Sleeper with slide

Product Description

Introducing the ultimate space-saving solutions for siblings sharing rooms. Featuring 2 single beds in an L-shape configuration at the bottom and a single bed on top each sibling enjoys their private area. A central bookshelf provides convenient storage for books and other bedroom essentials. A built-in ladder on the side of
the bed ensures easy access to the top bunk, while safety guardrails at the bottom bed provide peace of mind.

The highlight of this bed is the slide which is positioned between both beds, this fun addition makes bedtime so
much fun and morning routines even more delightful. Crafted with sturdy material and a thoughtful design, this
bunk bed combines practicality, safety, and fun making it a perfect choice for siblings sharing a room.

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